Friday, 24 August 2007

How to get a job easily

Stuck between jobs? Keep going on interviews and keep getting that answer, we will call you? Perhaps worst of all can't get an interview?

This article might help you to understand some basic principles that could infact make you a master of the job application process, so read on - its well worth a read, and this material comes from nothing but life experience, so its all tried and tested, nothing written here is academic theory. Most importantly the advice is free to you.

The first important policy you need to understand and adhere to when you are looking for a job is total belief in self. This is fundamentally vital to your success. When it comes to finding a job, you need to have a rock solid attitude, and by this I mean you need to think along the lines of 1 interview = 1 job.

If you are between jobs or in a new country and in need of work, job hunting is suddenly your number 1 priority and focus, its seldom considered a light hearted matter, to most people being out of work, means being out of money, especially when you are abroad, and far away from family and friends. Because of this, there is little time to pussy foot around when it comes to having the right attitude, your very survial might depend on you getting that job, and so don't get fragile, have the right attitude, you deserve that job just like everyone else does.

Naturally do not get disappointed if you don't get the first job that comes your way, you need to think of the bigger picture, perhaps there is a very good reason why you did not get that job, and in my experience it usually means that something better is waiting for you just around the corner.

Below I have summarized the key concepts of the job application process with useful advice per section. I have not gone into great detail here, more info can be found on my up and coming job hunting web site...

Where to find that job?
Most people tend to work through recruitment agents. Certainly depending on the job sector and country you are applying in, you need to identity the right adverisment media. For example a construction worker in asia follows a totally differant route to finding the job to an IT worker in the UK. however a great deal of job sectors rely on recuitment specialists (agents)

Recruitment Agents
Offically the recuitment agent is skilled in the job sector they are recruiting in, and are good people who want to help you, etc. The more realistic description of a recruitment agent, pay attention here, is a somewhat distrustful entity who earns good money placing "resources (you and me)" and is simply after that commission of your placement (usually 3 x your monthly salary). Never trust a recuitment agent, they are like car salesmen, they do not have your best interests at heart, and some of them even advertise positions that do not exist, simply to get a good stock of CV's in the door. The typically have people skills, in order words they know how to lie professionally to you, or let you down easily when you don't get the job etc. Furthermore they are not that interested in your long term ability to succeed within the company you are being placed in, just as long as you last 3 months, they get their payment, then perhaps they can replace you somewhere else earning more money from you.

I am mentioning all this, and I hope you ponder on it, because regardless of how ignoble the recruitment agent appears, the recuitment agent is an invaluable tool in the job application process. And I would say about 70% of the job application process headache pains come from not understanding how to use recuitment agents to your advantage.

Rule Number 1: Learn to use that phone... If you are emailing your CV alone, its not enough, you need to be a master of communication on the phone. For example. Don't just email your CV. Email it, and then 1/2 hour later. Phone the Agent and introduce yourself, ask him on a first name basis, if he recieved your CV. Give the impression that you know the game of job hunting and the symbiosis that exists between candidate (you) and agent( him/her) Be smart, do not act like a virgin with recuitment agents.

The Client
The client is going to vary considerably between companies and sectors, I have one consideration. Please ensure that you are applying for a job that is applicable to your skills and make sure you are pretty good at what you do, or are on your way to becoming good. Remember the best job interviews are where a mutual exchange takes place. So you are after the earning potential and experience the client can offer you, amongst other things, and in return the client is going to get your existing skills. If you know you have something to offer the client, then you have already got that job, but if you are uncertain then perhaps you need to get realistic with yourself first. There is always a margin or 2 for learning new skills once you have aquired the job, if the rest of your skill package is what the client demands.

The Interview
I am not going to go on about other obvious tips like what to wear etc, those tips you can google on the other sites out there. I am going to say just a few short remarks.
1. Be yourself...
2. Answer questions like - "name 2 bad things about yourself' or "what are your bad points" in a positive way - for example: I work too hard, and don't get to the gym enough. NEVER and I repeat EVER offer character flaws as a response.
3. Be patient and take each interview process naturally if you have more than 1. You might have a meeting with the Human Resource Manager, then the head of Department Manager, then who knows, but remember usually these people love to talk, and I found that usually the more important the person the easier they are to win over, its the people who you will end up working more closely with these are the ones who you should aim at impressing.
4. If you are writting a technical test, you are either going to fail it or pass. But remember that if you are writing a techical test on a pc, perhaps its been dedicated the local testing pc, and in this case, the answers to the test might be on the pc from previous candidates. Might be cheating, but might also mean the difference between you getting the job or not.
5. Don't be shy to answer 1 person, or a whole panel of people, and always give an answer, always attempt an answer. Even an "I don't know off hand, but I find the question really interesting and will research it" is better than I don't know without any interest.
6. Don't drink the night before
7. Don't get over friendly
8. Save your strength and leave something for remaining interviews. Don't give out everything in the first interview. I mean don't be too desperate. Remember typically they just want to get a broad overview in the first interview, so they can shortlist. If you give out all that info on the first, (1) you come across as desperate (2) you have no new info for them in the remaining interviews, and this means that you have to work harder to keep things flowing naturally.
9. Keep job hunting, while you are waiting for results...

That is pretty much all I could think of for now, please leave comments...